Our activities
Bookable online, available in French and English.
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2 hr
From 100 eurosLoading days...
From 100 eurosLoading days...
From 50 eurosLoading days...
From 40 eurosLoading days...
From 100 eurosLoading days...
From 50 eurosLoading days...
From 120 eurosLoading days...
From 50 euros
Do you want to book last minute?
For organizational and logistical reasons, reservations may be closed automatically several days in advance for certain workshops. However, places may still be available and we will be able to accommodate you!
To do so, call the store on 04 69 67 25 69 + choice 1 during opening hours or write to contact@distillerie-de-lyon.com
Do you already have a Gift Voucher or a physical Ticket?
Make your reservation as normal and select the payment option ' Payment in person' and on the day of your workshop, please bring your ticket or your reservation receipt with you .
Do you already have a WECANDOO Gift Voucher or reservation?
Go to the Wecandoo website to make your reservation
Do you want to book for a group or a privatization? Where to rent this space?
We have a fitted and equipped basement of more than 60 m², for your special requests, contact us at contact@distillerie-de-lyon.com or by telephone on 04 69 67 25 69